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热门搜索:elisa试剂盒/ 抗体

    来源:Cell Transplantation

标签: 免疫抑制 人羊膜组织

摘要 : 最近,日本的一个研究小组发现,人类女性羊膜来源的干细胞也具有免疫抑制活性,添加一些特定因子的抗体,可以提高它们的免疫抑制潜力。这项研究最近发表在细胞和组织工程或再生医学领域中最权威杂志之一《Cell Transplantation》。

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人羊膜组织来源的干细胞有一段时间被认为对细胞治疗是很有前途的,因为它们容易获取,有分化的能力,并且不存在道德伦理问题。最近,日本的一个研究小组发现,人类女性羊膜来源的干细胞也具有免疫抑制活性,添加一些特定因子的抗体,可以提高它们的免疫抑制潜力。这项研究最近发表在细胞和组织工程或再生医学领域中最权威杂志之一《Cell Transplantation》。


本研究共同作者、日本富山大学医学与药物科学研究生院再生医学系Toshio Nikaido博士说:“人羊膜含有上皮细胞和间充质细胞。这两种细胞都具有增殖和分化特征,从而使羊膜成为再生医学羊膜源细胞移植的一个有前途和有吸引力的来源。很明显,这些细胞很有前景,但是它们的免疫调节机制还有待于进一步研究。”






原文标题:Human Amnion-derived Stem Cells have Immunosuppressive Properties on NK cells and Monocytes

Abstract: Human amnion-derived cell are considered to be a promising alternative cell source for their potential clinical use in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine because of their proliferation and differentiation ability. The cells can easily be obtained from human amnion, offering a potential source without medical intervention. It has been proved that human amnion-derived cells express immunosuppressive factors CD59 and HLA-G, implying that they may have an immunosuppressive function. To assess the immunosuppressive activity, we investigated the effect of human amnion-derived cells on NK cell and monocyte function. Amnion-derived cells inhibited the cytotoxicity of NK cells to K562 cells. The inhibition depended on the NK/amnion-derived cells ratio. The inhibition of NK cytotoxicity was recovered by continuous culturing without amnion-derived cells. The inhibition of NK cytotoxicity was related to the down-regulation of the expression of the activated NK receptors and the production of IFN-γ, as well as the up-regulation of the expression of IL-10 and PGE2 in human amnion-derived cells. The addition of antibody to IL-10 or PGE2 inhibitor tended to increase NK cytotoxicity. IL-10 and PGE2 might be involved in the immunosuppressive activity of amniotic cells toward NK cells. Amniotic cells also suppressed the activity of cytokine production in monocyte analyzed with TNF-α and IL-6. These data suggested that amniotic cells have immunosuppressive activity.